Saturday, June 26, 2010

An inspirational story for Kristy

A dear friend of mine has brought it to my attention that I "suck at blogging." This is quite understandable, seeing as I completely forgot that I ever blogged in the first place. However, this blog goes out to her, because she reminded me that I need to do this to keep me sane.

You see, since the first day of June I have restarted my job at Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center. For those who haven't been there, it's quite amazing. Beautiful gardens, beautiful bayou. It's magical...really. Just unicorns and leprachauns and all kinds of shit like that. And I love it there, I really do. However, the job is quite tiresome. I either work outside all day or am constantly doing research getting ready for my presentations. It gets rough to blog...and then next week...horror of all horrors: the summer camps start.

Summer camps involve young children. If you know me, you know young children are not my speciality. In fact, I'm very anti-child. However, I play pretend very well, and actually grow attached to many of the kids who come to summer camps. Many of them can surprise you in ways you never thought.

My friend Mel went to do a presentation with Shangri La's owl, Maxine, the other week. Maxine was taken in by Shangri Lan due to a wing injury. During this presentation, Mel told the kids about Maxine's injury and educated the kids on owls and birds. At the end of telling the story, Mel asked if there were any questions. This young first-grade girl raised her hand, "Did you try praying over the wing?" Can you believe it? A little kid. Mel was flabbergasted to say the least...she looked around at the teachers and all they could do was shrug. "No, we didn't try praying over the wing," Mel responded, "would you join me in prayer now, over Maxine to wish her good health in the future?" And the kids joined hands and prayed.

It makes me happy to know that there is still good in this world. It's sad that it's the kids who have to show us that.


  1. Aw, that's sweet and I'm glad you like working at Shangri La.

  2. Thanks Nanny :) I do love it there.
