Monday, January 11, 2010

It's been a while...

First blog in a long...long time. I used to enjoy blogging, until I got busy watching TV and sleeping. And before that it was studying and focusing on the future. But I figure, to hell with it. What's college for, if not to further push my mind to its limits? The best way to do that, is think for myself, no? Congrats, Roni, you're finally thinking. That's at least three steps up from the average American according to a statistic I recently made up. Like, real recent. About ten seconds ago, if I'm correct. Which I am.

I return to college in a week. The Christmas break has taught me five things:
1. I am only happy when I have absolutely no responsibilities
2. Video games and TV are highly underrated
3. Robert Downey Jr. has only gotten sexier with age
4. The movie Office Space describes my mindset. If I had a million dollars, I'd do nothing.
and 5. Happiness is, in fact, not a warm gun. Apparently, it's the my ability to carry on with life without worrying, having the knowledge of current pop culture at my fingertips, a good-looking man to stare at, and a bowl of cereal and milk at hand.

Until next time, I'm going to ponder on how to make this dream of happiness a posibility. It will work as far as tomorrow goes...but for the rest of my life? That will certainly be a challenge.


  1. I like this alot, Roni.
    Especially the milk and cereal part.
    And wouldn't you know, I'm freakin addicted to cereal now. No lie. 2 bowls a day, bitch :)

  2. haha! That's awesome. Glad I could impact your life somehow.
